ArtsFunds 2025

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2025 ArtsFunds

ArtsFunds 2025 Application

Grant Writer(Required)
Executive Director(Required)

Nonprofit Status

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are your registrations current?


Current Illinois Arts Council Funding Recipient?
Is your organization an Oak Park Area Arts Council Member?
We would really appreciate your support by becoming a member of the Arts Council at the non profit level of either $50 or $75. Thank you so very much!
Based on the address for the applicant, enter ONE district number for IL House
Based on the address for the applicant, enter ONE district number for IL Senate
Based on the address for the applicant, enter ONE district number for U.S. Congressional District

About Section


Is the program/project open to the public?

Attachments Needed

Max. file size: 100 MB.
Audit and/or tax reports for the most recent fiscal year (only one copy of audit and/or tax reports is needed): a) Organizations with operating income of $300,000 or more: Audited financial statement, or IRS Form 990. b) Organizations with operating income between $15,000 and $299,999: IRS Form 990 for last completed fiscal year. c) Organizations with operating income less than $15,000: Illinois Form AG 990 for last completed fiscal year, supplying only total revenues, expenses and assets. (If you have not filed your 2024 taxes please submit your 2023 taxes.)
Max. file size: 100 MB.
For operating support grants, please submit your 2023 and 2024 financials. Please be sure to include a list of foundation or other grants received during this period.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
For project requests only, a project budget of revenues and expenses. Please submit your 2023 and 2024 financials.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Most recent Annual Report to the Illinois Secretary of State this is the report from the Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
List of Board of Directors including position on board, outside profession/employer and town of residence.

Supporting Documentation

Supporting materials: Please supply video or photo links to your organization’s performances, press releases, newspaper articles or screenshots, etc. If you are saving and coming back to complete the application later please add the attachments before you submit, the attachments do not save.
Max. file size: 100 MB.


Authorizing Official’s Name(Required)
We certify that the information in this application is complete, true and correct to the best of our knowledge. Further, we certify that if this grant is awarded, all funds will be used soley for the described activities in the manner specified in this application Be sure to save all your information to your files as you are working on your grant before you submit.